Are your Family, Neighbors or Friends Planning a Fundraiser?
Neighbors Fundraising for Neighbors (NF4N) is an IRS approved 501 C (3) charity dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals and families who are burdened with financial expenses from a medical crisis. NF4N facilitates the collection, record keeping and distribution of your community fundraiser’s proceeds. When a medical crisis happens, life is never the same. Families are devastated physically, emotionally and financially.
There is widespread need for a charitable organization to simplify the community fundraising for a special needs child or a family facing a medical crisis. Regularly there are announcements in the local newspapers about community sponsored walks, dance-a-thons and pancake breakfasts etc. being held to support a child and his/her family or an adult going through a life-threatening medical crisis. Many people facing such a crisis create a Go Fund Me webpage, publicize the problem on Social Media and hope it "goes viral". However, regardless of how the solicitation of money is done, the donors are not entitled to a tax deduction. Neighbors Fundraising for Neighbors solves that problem and we do the record keeping!
Fundraisers that we are willing to support can be organized to pay for unreimbursed medical expenses such as:
Medical and hospital bills
Physical therapy visits
Wheelchair accessible vans and other equipment not covered by insurance
Home modifications designed to make it handicapped accessible
Neighbors Fundraising for Neighbors can also provide you:
Ability to receive donations from other fund raising organizations
Payment made directly to suppliers of services and equipment
Website presence, including a “Donate Now” button connected to Network For Good, a secure credit card processing organization
Social Media support
Sharing of resources from other events
Advice and information on other events
To apply for support, please click here. Applications can be submitted by either the recipient or the spokesperson for the group organizing the community fundraiser. However, the recipient or their legal representative must sign the medical verification form authorizing our Board to contact their physician to verify the medical diagnosis.